Solution for Exercise 9-15


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float halfstep;

    halfstep = -5.0;
    while(halfstep <= 5.0)
        halfstep = halfstep + 0.5;


* Because the increment through the loop is 0.5, a floating point variable must be used. The float variable halfstep is declared at Line 5.

* Line 7 initializes the halfstep variable to the value -5.0. The number contains a decimal and zero to ensure that the compiler recognizes it as a floating point value.

* Line 8 sets up the while loop by defining the end condition when the value of halfstep exceeds 5.0 — again, an immediate floating point value.

* Line 10 displays the current value of halfstep.

* Line 11 increments the value of variable halfstep by 0.5.