The Unofficial C For Dummies Website

Recent Lessons

Merry Pointer Mischief
July 20, 2024 Here's the difference between *data and **data as arguments in a function.
More ANSI Code Cursor Manipulation
July 13, 2024 Use ASNI commands to save and restore the cursor's position.
Erasing Text for Stream Output
July 6, 2024 Backing up is one thing. Backing up and erasing is three things.
A Grid of Random Stars, Part VII
June 29, 2024 The final update consolidates the code — and removes pointer notation.
A Grid of Random Stars, Part VI
June 22, 2024 More fine tuning is required to get the code to where I want.

This Month's Exercise

Clear the Screen
July 1, 2024 It's such a simple task, but not something C is capable of natively.

Current Titles

Tiny C Programming
C Programming For Dummies
C Brain Teasers
Programmer's Guide to NCurses
Programmer's Guide to XML and JSON
Programmer's Guide to Curl

Online Training