Solution for Exercise 13-10


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char first[40];
    char last[20];

    printf("What is your first name? ");
    printf("What is your last name? ");
    printf("Pleased to meet you, %s!\n",first);


* The string first is used at Line 14 because that's where both strings were copied.

* When you use the strcat() function, the second string is copied to the end of the first string. Therefore, you must ensure that the first string, or char array, has enough storage space for the second string. The strcat() function doesn't check the space to ensure that enough exists, so be careful!

* You can use the malloc() function to allocate a buffers (storage places) in memory. That comes in handy when reading strings and gluing them together when you may not know the exact amount of storage space required. Refer to Chapter 20.