Solution for Exercise 11-15


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159

int main()
    const float amplitude=70, wavelength=0.1;
    float graph,s,x;

        s = sin(graph);




* Don't sweat it if the trigonometry in this code boggles you.

* Here is the graphical representation of a sine wave:

Sine Wave

* The constant M_PI is required because the C language trig functions deal with radians, not degrees. So in Line 14, the for loop goes from zero to M_PI radians, which is half a circle.

* Refer to my information on preprocessor directives if you'd like to know more about #ifndef.

* You can make adjustments to the code by changing a few of the key values. I've defined those values as constants, which makes them easier to change:

* The constant amplitude sets the height of the graph (left-to-right) as measured by screen columns. To make the graph more squat, change the value to something smaller. The wavelength constant is related to the number of rows in the output.