Solution for Exercise 11-14


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float degrees,radians;

    printf("Enter an angle in radians: ");
    degrees = 57.2957795*radians;
    printf("%.2f radians is %.2f degrees.\n",radians,degrees);


Enter an angle in radians: 3.14159
3.14 radians is 180.00 degrees.


* This solution involves swapping the degrees and radians variables throughout the code, but also specifying the number of degrees in a radian for the calculation in Line 9: 57.2957795

* The C language lacks conversion constants for degrees-to-radians and radians-to-degrees. But it does have a constant for π, defined in the math.h header file: M_PI. Use this defined constant to calculate the radian/degree conversion values as follows: