Solution for Exercise 18-7


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char hello[] = "Hello!";
    int i = 0;

        printf("%c at %p\n",hello[i],&hello[i]);


H at 0x7ffee4038a15
e at 0x7ffee4038a16
l at 0x7ffee4038a17
l at 0x7ffee4038a18
o at 0x7ffee4038a19
! at 0x7ffee4038a1a


* As with other examples where the %p placeholder is used, the addresses you see output will be different from what's shown here.

* The format &hello[n] displays the address of element n in an array.

* The & operator isn't necessary when referring to an array as a whole because an array name by itself, such as hello, represents the array's base address in memory. In that case, &hello is redundant. It may not cause any warnings, but it's unnecessary and potentially confusing. This topic is addressed in Chapter 19.