The Microwave Problem

Difficulty: Medium

I have a smart microwave oven. Say I need to heat my tea for a minute and a half. I type in 90. When I press the Start button, the 90 transforms into 1:30, a minute thirty. It’s the same quantity of time, but expressed differently. Such magic is merely clever programming.

Your task for this month’s Exercise is to write the input routine for a microwave oven. It accepts a given number of seconds, specified as an int value. The code digests this number, then outputs the accurate number of hours, minutes, and seconds.

Here is a sample run of my solution:

Enter time in seconds: 90
That's 0:01:30

And another:

Enter time in seconds: 4000
That's 1:06:40

And yet another:

Enter time in seconds: 604831
That's 168:00:31

As a hint, especially if you’re new to planet Earth: Remember that a minute consists of 60 seconds and an hour consists of 60 minutes or 3600 seconds.

Click here to view my solution. Incidentally, my solution uses no decision keywords, only math.

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